Friday, 17 April 2009

More small finds

Lovely simply drawn angel. Or is it a haloed jetpack-driven guy?

Here is the funny raccoon again!

How about a buthead for a change!?

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Eyes, easter and a bowlerhat

At several places troughout the city, I saw eyes! Eyes on walls, boxes, poles... Everywhere! If I have the opportunity, I'll post some more.

Nice one! Some guy with a bowlerhat (or so it seems). In a jazzy kind of way... Or is it more Michael Jackson? >shivers<

And a funny pic of me and an egg. Easter!!!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Mosaic heart

Today I saw this nicely made heart. Beautiful way to break the monotonous pattern of black tiles...

Friday, 10 April 2009

More street-art!

Look at this nice skull! It really shines! :-D

Another 'Fallen' angel.

Hmmm... Some kind of multidental walrus?

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Easter -> egg hunt!

Today we organised an easter-egg hunt for Sullivan. For he and his owner were too late to find any eggs at work.

Here I did a nice job! Kitty-eye-eggs!!! Scary huh!?

Sullivan just found another one in lesser Cthulhu's pipe.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009


We were busy... So just one pic. A nice coloured billboard!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Croc mug

Today I want to show you the lovely mug my owner and me bought!Isn't he great!!!

Still empty...

Sunday, 5 April 2009

A walk around the countryside

Today we had a quiet day. Relaxing between the flowers and taking a walk around the countryside. Hmmm...

I found a few things I like though. Like this nice old roadsign.

Bird meets bird. Funny home-made wobbly-thingie.


In the afternoon we found a couple of wooden chairs behind a medieval church. Lovely seat in the sun.

And here is some resistant flora again, slowly working it's way through the stone. For more pics of our trip, visit Sullivan's Blog.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Stern looking bird and that raccoon again

On a bridge we found this stern looking bird... looks kinda scary, almost nazistic.
But it happens to be the code of arms of our city.
Made in a time that it wasn't connected to nazism (pre-ww2).

He! Here is that raccoon again! Now it's blue-black...
Wonder what he stands for.

And the red guy is a piece I've seen quite a lot over the last years. Now-a-days it's not that common anymore... Maybe I can find more of them.

Friday, 3 April 2009

More street-art and a skeleton

Today I found this guy. A nice orange sticker of a raccoon!

Hmmm... Not very nice. But it was sprayed next to a Mc.Donalds restaurant.
I get the idea!

Look! When I visited a friend, I met this nice fellow!

Woohoo! Monkey! But what is he doin!? Torching something?
Burning Babylon? Bit far away.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Funny animals, a tooth and more stuff

Hmmm... No comment.

Here you see a picture of a very good tasting beer! It isn't called 'The best beer in the world' for nothing. And beer that gives you visions of pink elephants must be great!!! [-D

This mask defenitely has something sticking to it...

When I see a pic like this, I'm glad birds have beaks.
No teeth that is! Funny way to advertise though.

Slightly intimidating. Probably a pic to make us aware of the child-soldier problem...
Sad... 'Make pics! Not war!' :=)

Some children really took some time to make a drawing.
Looks great!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Small art and resistant flora

Spring is in the air! That is what this nice dandelion must have felt when it came up through the cracks in the pavement. Few more days and it will bloom.

Wooow! Paper airplane... Hmmm!

Intrigueing guy... Wonder why his head is on walls all over our town...

OOH! I really love this small angel! Or is it a devil?