It has been quite a while since my owner found time to help me post on my blog. But today he just had to! No way out! (haha!) 'Cause today I got a magnificent piece of 'found-art'! It is so wonderful, we had to post directly. It is sent to me by Beanie Mouse who also has his own blog, called
found-art. Beanie and Andrea make art out of objects they find and then they lose it again, so other people can find it! And if you find lost-art, it gets found-art and you can tell Beanie where you found it. Great fun!!!

Look! I got a flip-flop by mail!!! It is great! Here I am enjoying the perfect fit. But of course it's not meant to be worn anymore.

I really love it! It must be fun as well to take it to the sea and surf on it! :D

The flip-flop (in Dutch it's called 'slipper', don't ask me why...) has a beautiful picture of a bird on it. I think it looks like me! Everybody can see that it is mine. :)

It also has a flower on the straps. Most remarkable, cause it was send the way it is. No envelope or wrap! And the flower is still on. The mailmen must have been very surprised.

See? 'MY' flip-flop! Not my owners, it's mine! All mine! (hihi)

And Beanie mouse made it! THANX! Thanx very much Beanie! I have been finding art myself, so soon you can find art in your mailbox too.