Here are some pics:

I really was impressed by this giant fluffy heart! A machine made it pound. It was called 'pace-maker'.

All over the terrain (which is a lovely park) there are shipping containers, transformed into shops, bars, theaters and so on. Here I am inside one. I like all the old lamps. The light is soft and warm...

Me on the counter of one of the shops. Again with a lovely lamp.

This container was the setting of an interactive theatershow. It was called 'Spoor' (railway) and was very exiting!

Yes! More lamps, lanterns this time. Gorgeous light in the night between the trees.

And before we went home we bought some candy! I got a 'dropbal' (licorice ball). It is almost as big as me!!! Will have to lick and chew for weeks... :D
Oh how exciting!!! I'll make sure Andrea posts something to you and Sullivan!! (and you'll get something Each so you don't have to share!!)